Sunday, September 16, 2012

Indian SME

The potential of Indian SME is huge. Their contribution to Indian economy is staggering. There are a lot of IT, web and mobile opportunities in servicing SME's, which can be exploited for new business model. One of the grand-daddy of SME solution provider is Justdial (my Linkedin profile), the company I work for. They are leading local search engine. I present my personal views in this blog.
There are 8M SME in India. Only, 400K have a web presence. Only 100K out of these is professional, so getting a web and mobile presence for SME's should be a good business. There are 18000 pearl dealers in Hyderabad, but only 3 appear in web searches. If you look at search volume of pearl on search engines like Google from India, you will know what these SME are losing. From an eMarketer slide:
  1. Emerging economies - 88% growth in Internet users 
  2. 70m mobile Internet users (180m of 300m in 2015 will be mobile only) 
  3. 30% time on Internet 
  4. 40b ecommerce (2015) 6x 
  5. 20x growth in google search from 2005, out of which 80% will be travel. 
  6. By 2015, 1/3 of online users will buy online. 7hr purchase decision is for a web user, but only 1hr mobile search purchase decision in categories like - restaurant, events. 
  7. Growth is predicted from 70m (as of beginning of 2012) to 132m (projected number by end of 2012) for mobile Internet user in India. This is a stupendous growth and SME's can not ignore this medium to reach their target audience. 
  8. 1 in 3 mobile users in India will access Internet by 2015.

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